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These coins represent the coins with the highest catalog value in my collection of all those presented on this site.

Type:Cilicia/Tarsos/Mazaios Satrap. 361-334 BC Stater
Obverse:Baaltars seated left
Reverse:Lion attacking a bull
Reference:SNG Levante 103, SNG von Aulock 5959
Type:Kushan. 130-158 (King Kanishka) Stater
Reference:Mitchener 3064
Type:1943-P Jefferson Nickel
Grade:PCGS MS65
Doubled die - the doubling on the eye is most easily seen.
Type:394-423 (Honorius) Solidus
Obverse:Diademed, draped and curiassed bust right
Reverse:Honorius standing right, resting his foot on a captive, and holding a standard and Victory. R V in the field.
Exergue:COMOB (Comitatus mint - the mint in the Emperor's court, OB short for "obryziacum aurum" - "fine gold")
Honorius has the honor of being the Western Roman Emperor when the Rome was sacked in 410 AD. R V indicates the Emperor's court (and thus the mint) was in Ravenna.
Type:89 BC (L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus) Denarius
Obverse Legend:SABIN and monogram
Obverse:Bare head of king Taitus right
Reverse:Rape of the Sabine women - two soldiers each carrying a woman in his arms
Exergue:L. TITVRI

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