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Thumbnail images are at a resolution of 150dpi so they are correct in size relative to each other. Clicking on a thumbnail image will display a 600dpi magnification, unless otherwise stated. All source material presented here is believed to be genuine - please inform me if an image implies that it is not the case.

These coins represent the coins with the highest catalog value in my collection of all those presented on this site.

Type:1830/20 EoMo LF 8 Reales
Note the 1200dpi magnification of the overdate. This coin has been authenticated by ANAAB.
Type:1631-1639 (Charles I) Pattern Halfgroat
Reference:S-2856a variant (different metal)
Pattern by Briot in copper. The B of BRIT on the obverse shows doubling. Ex Frederick Brooks 1956. Authenticated by the ANAAB.
Type:Zeugitania/Carthage. 241-238 (Libyan Revolt) Shekel-Didrachm
Obverse:Head of Tanit
Reference:SNG Cop. 236
Struck over a different denomination (tetradrachm?).
Type:1505-1509 (Henry VII) Angel
Obverse Legend:HENRIC DI GRA REX ANGL Z FR(ANC) (Henry by the grace of God King of England and France)
Obverse:Winged, armored St. Michael slaying a dragon
Reverse Legend:PER CRVCE TVA SALVA NOS XPC RED(EMPTOR) (By Thy Cross save us O Christ our Redeemer)
Reverse:Ship with the Royal arms in the center and its cross mast above
Reference:S-2187, H7AG-040
Class 5. Pheon mintmark on obverse and reverse (Tower mint, London). Value of 6s8d.
Type:Phoenicia/Chalkis. ca. 34 BC (Cleopatra VII) Æ
Obverse:Bust of Cleopatra
Reverse:Bust of Marc Antony
Her name can be read on the obverse - the letters in red clarify the letters on the coin.

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