Before 1200

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Type:Parthia. 80-77BC (Orodes I) Drachm
Obverse:Bust left with medium beard, wearing tiara with six point star in center
Reverse:Archer seated right on throne holding bow, with legend around
Reference:Shore 122, Sellwood 31.5
Type:Indo-Scythian. Drachm (Azes II)
Obverse:King to right on horseback, holding a whip in his right hand
Reverse Legend:Maharajasa rajarajasa mahatasa / Ayasa
Reverse:Zeus standing to left holing winged Nike on outstretched right hand and long scepter in left hand
Reference:Indo-Greek, Indo-Scythian and Indo-Parthian Coins in the Smithsonian Institution 240-246
Type:Celtic Gaul. 1st cen BC Wheel coin.
Type:Kushan. 130-158 (King Kanishka) Stater
Reference:Mitchener 3064
Type:Axum (Ethiopia). 5th-7th cen. AD Æ15
Obverse Legend:BAX A CA
Obverse:Crowned king
Reverse:Cross with gold center
Type:Anonymous Abassid governors ("Afzut" in place of name) 8th Century 1/2 Dirham
Tabaristan mint. Sassanian type.
Type:Umayyad Caliphate. 661-749 Dirhem
(Halifat). Circulated in Kiev, Russia.
Type:Lanka. 990-1070 (Chola occupation) Massa
Obverse Legend:RajaRaja
Obverse:King seated
Reverse:King standing with torch, spheres on right and crescent above
Reference:Mitchiner 1979, #730-731
King RajaRaja Chola (ruler of south India 985-1014).
Type:Italy (Lucca). 1095-1150 (Enrico III-IV) Denier
Crusader issue.
Type:North Africa/Islamic Muwahhids. ca. 1150 Dirhem
Reference:Mitchener 421
Type:Islamic Artuqids of Mardin. 1184-1201 Dirhem
Type:Armenia. 1198-1219 (Levon I) Tank
Obverse:Crowned head of lion facing right
Reverse:Cross with two stars in a circle
Reference:Ner. 301-13
Type:Hungary. 1205-1235 (Andrew II) Obol

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