Roman Gods and Goddesses

Roman deities and personifications, summarized from references listed here.

Deity Deity Of Image
Aesculapius medicine and healing Holds a staff about which a serpent twines. Sometimes accompanied by Telesphorus, his attendant.
Apollo sun, music and arts Usually holds a lyre. Has the titles Conservator, Palatinus (protector of the Imperial residence) or Monetae (deity of the mint)
Ceres agriculture Holds ears of corn, and frequently a torch
Cybelle mother of the gods Usually wears a crown and either sits on a thrown between lions or is in a car drawn by lions
Diana moon goddess May have a crescent moon above her head, bow and arrows, or be accompanied by hounds or deer. May also hold a torch and has the title of torch bearer (Lucifera)
Hercules strength Has an exellent physique, plus carries a club and lion skin
Janus past and future Two-headed (looking both to the past and to the future)
Jupiter father of the gods Appears nude or semi-nude, with a full beard and holding a thunderbolt and sceptre. Has the titles of Conservator (of the emperor or the state), Tonans (thunderer) or Stator (stayer of armies about to flee)
Juno wife of Jupiter Holds a patera (small dish) and may be accompanied by a peacock. Has the titles of Regina (queen), Lucina (deity of childbirth), Conservatrix and Victrix
Liber (Bacchus) wine Holds a wine cup and staff surmounted by a pine cone or bunch of grapes. Is accompanied by a panther.
Mars war Holds a spear and shield or trophy. Has titles of Propugnator (fighter for Rome), Ultor (avenger), Pacifier (and holds olive branch representing peace)
Mercury messenger of the gods Has a winged cap and carries a purse and caduceus
Minerva wisdom, patroness of the arts, light of men in war Has a shield, spear and helment. Has titles of Pacifera and Victrix
Neptune sea Holds a trident and dolphin. May be near the prow of a galley.
Roma goddess of Rome Wears a helmet and armor, and may hold Victory, a wreath or a small sword
Sol sun Nude with a radiate head, holding a whip or globe. Maybe in a chariot or with horses. Has the titles of Comes, Invictus or Oriens (the rising, eastern sun).
Venus love Almost always completely clothed, and may hold an apple, helmet of Mars and a scepter. May be accompanied by Cupid. Has titles of Coelestis (heavenly), Felix (happy), Genetrix and Victrix.
Vesta family life Appears as a matron holding a patera and scepter. Titles include Sancta (holy), Mater (mother). May appear with Consecratio.
Vulcan fire and iron Shown with blacksmith tools
Three Graces - Euphrosyne, Aglaia, Thalia preside over the banquet, dance and social enjoyments and elegant arts The three stand together
Personification Personification Of Image
Abundantia abundance, plenty Holds ears of corn and cornucopiae (horn of plenty)
Aequitas fair dealing, equity Holds scales and cornucopiae
Aeternitas eternity, stability Holds torch, globe or scepter, or heads of the sun and moon
Annona corn harvest Holds ears of corn and cornucopiae, and with the prow of a galley
Bonus Eventus good luck, good fortune Holds patera over an altar, and cornucopiae
Clementia mercy, clemency Holds a branch and scepter, and may lean on a column
Concordia harmony, concord Holds a scepter, patera or cornucopiae
Felicitas happiness, prosperity Holds cornucopiae and caduceus
Fides good faith, confidence Holds patera and cornucopiae, possibly ears of corn or basket of fruit. As Fides Militium, will hold two standards or other military items
Fortuna fortune Holds rudder and cornucopiae, and may rest upon a globe. May also hold an olive branch or patera.
Hilaritas rejoycing, mirth Holds cornucopiae and a long palm. May have children near him.
Honos honor Holds an olive branch or scepter, and cornucopiae
Indulgentia indulgence, mercy Holds a patera and scepter
Justitia justice Holds an olive branch or patera, and a scepter. May also be holding scales.
Laetitia joy Holds a wreath and scepter, or rudder on a globe. May be resting on an anchor.
Liberalitas liberality Holds a tessera (tablet) and cornucopiae
Libertas liberty, freedom Holds a pileus (pointed cap of liberty) and a scepter
Moneta money, the mint Holds scales and cornucopiae and may appear as three figures
Patientia patience, endurance Holds a scepter
Pax peace Holds an olive branch and scepter or cornucopiae
Pietas piety, dutifulness May be veiled and holding a patera and scepter. May be sacrificing at an altar.
Providentia providence Holds a baton a scepter, with possibly a globe at her feet
Pudicitia chastity, modesty Usually veiled and holding a scepter
Salus health, welfare, safety Holds a patera and uses it to feed a serpent which curling around an altar or in her arms
Securitas security, confidence Holds a scepter or patera
Spes hope Usually walking and holding a flower
Uberitas fertility Holds cornucopiae
Victoria victory Winged. Holds a wreath and palm, may be holding or writing on a shield, or erecting a trophy.
Virtus courage Wearing complete armor, holding Victory and a spear or a spear and shield

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