10 to 100 Mon

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Type:1668-1700 (Tokugawa Iyetsuna and Tokugawa Tsunayoshi Shogunates) Mon
Obverse Legend:"Kan ei Tsu hou" read top bottom right left as "generosity" "eternal" "circulate" "treasure", i.e. "Generosity is eternal, circulating treasure"
Reverse Legend:Bun
Reference:K302, C-1.2
Value of 1 mon.
Type:1863-1867 (Tokugawa Iemochi Shogunate) 4 Mon
Obverse Legend:"Bun Kyu Ei Hou" read top bottom right left as "sentence" "perpetual" "eternal" "treasure".
Mintage:891,515,631 (with 1863)
Reference:K901, C-6
Type:1708 (Tokugawa Tsunayoshi Shogunate) 10 Mon
Obverse Legend:Hoei Tsuho
Type:1835-1870 100 Mon
Obverse Legend:"Ten Pou tsu hou" read top down as "Heaven" "holds" "circulate" "treasure"
Reverse Legend:"Tou hyaku" read as "deserve" "hundred", the square hole, then the signature of the Director of the Mint Bureau
Reference:K803, C-7
Minted in Edo (Tokyo).

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