Ancient India

Thumbnail images are at a resolution of 150dpi so they are correct in size relative to each other. Clicking on a thumbnail image will display a 600dpi magnification, unless otherwise stated. All source material presented here is believed to be genuine - please inform me if an image implies that it is not the case.

Type:ca. 170BC (Regime of Pusiamitra)
Type:ca. 340 (Gawapati Naga)
Ganges valley. The larger image is 1200dpi due to its small size.
Type:ca. 340 (Gawapati Naga)
Ganges valley. The larger image is 1200dpi due to its small size.
Type:ca. 435 (Prince Kumara)
Type:ca. 470 (King Skanda)
Type:ca. 650 (Gurturas Kingdom)
Type:Amirs of Sind. 11th century Dirhem

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