City Commemoratives

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Type:333-335 Æ3/4
Obverse:Helmeted bust of Constantinopolis
Reverse:Victory standing left, foot on prow, holding scepter and leaning on a shield
Exergue:SMALB (Alexandria - Egypt)
Reference:VM-1, RIC VII-64
Commemorates the city of Constantinople.
Type:ca. 331 (Constantine) Æ3/4
Obverse:Helmeted bust of Constantinopolis
Reverse:Victory standing left, foot on prow, holding scepter and leaning on a shield
Double strike.
Type:335-337 Æ3/4
Obverse Legend:VRBS ROMA
Obverse:Helmeted bust of Roma left
Reverse:She-wolf standing left suckling Romulus and Remus, two stars above
Exergue:SMANΘ (Antioch)
Reference:S-3894var (different exergue), VM-2, RIC VII-113
Antioch mint. Commemorates the city of Rome.
Type:333-334 Æ3/4
Obverse Legend:VRBS ROMA
Obverse:Helmeted bust of Roma left
Reverse:She-wolf standing left suckling Romulus and Remus, two stars above
Exergue:TRP (Trier)
Reference:S-3894var (different exergue), VM-2, RIC VII-561
Commemorates the city of Rome. Has a palm frond between the stars on the reverse.
Type:333-334 Æ3/4
Obverse Legend:VRBS ROMA
Obverse:Helmeted bust of Roma left
Reverse:She-wolf standing left suckling Romulus and Remus, two stars above
Exergue:TRP (Trier)
Reference:S-3894var (different exergue), VM-2, RIC VII-553
Commemorates the city of Rome. Has a wreath between the stars on the reverse.
Type:330-346 (Constantine) Æ4
Obverse Legend:POP ROMANVS
Obverse:Draped and laureate bust of the Genius of the Roman People
Reverse:Star in a wreath
Exergue:CONSI (Constantinople)
Type:330-346 (Constantine) Æ4
Obverse Legend:POP ROMANVS
Obverse:Draped and laureate bust of the Genius of the Roman People
Reverse Legend:CONS H
Reverse:Milvan Bridge

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