Shillings to Angels

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Type:1560-1561 (Elizabeth I) Shilling
Obverse Legend:ELIZABETH D G ANG FRA ET HIB REGINA (Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland
Obverse:Bust of Elizabeth in a plain dress facing left
Reverse Legend:POSVI DEVM ADIVTOREM MEVM (I have made God my helper)
Reverse:Royal arms over a long cross
Reference:S-2592, ELSH-035
Milled. Under 30mm.
Type:1594-1596 (Elizabeth I) Shilling
Obverse Legend:ELIZAB DG ANG FR ET HIB REGI (Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland
Obverse:Bust of Elizabeth facing left
Reverse:Royal shield over a long cross
Reference:S-2577, ELSH-040
Fifth issue. Woolpack mintmark.
Type:1604-1605 (James I) Shilling
Obverse Legend:IACOBUS MAG BRIT FRA ET HIB REX (James King of England France and Ireland)
Obverse:Bust of James facing right with a square-cut beard
Reverse Legend:QVAE DEUS CONIUNXIT NEMO SEPARET (What God hat joined together let no man put asunder)
Reverse:Royal arms
Reference:S-2654, J1SH-015
Second coinage. Lis mintmark.
Type:1505-1509 (Henry VII) Angel
Obverse Legend:HENRIC DI GRA REX ANGL Z FR(ANC) (Henry by the grace of God King of England and France)
Obverse:Winged, armored St. Michael slaying a dragon
Reverse Legend:PER CRVCE TVA SALVA NOS XPC RED(EMPTOR) (By Thy Cross save us O Christ our Redeemer)
Reverse:Ship with the Royal arms in the center and its cross mast above
Reference:S-2187, H7AG-040
Class 5. Pheon mintmark on obverse and reverse (Tower mint, London). Value of 6s8d.

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